Meine Geschichte mit Wimpernextensions und der Weg zu lashdreams

How it all started...

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm into eyelash extensions. You rarely meet me without it 😉


I still remember exactly the day I first found out that eyelash extensions existed: 

Once upon a time... A hot afternoon in September 2013 in the old town of Florence: I'm sitting with friends in a small café on the Piazza di Santa Croce. My schoolmate @corinne_gysel is sitting next to me and I wonder why she looks so fresh - even though she doesn't seem to have any make-up on. As our eyes meet every now and then, I notice: she has amazingly long, defined, black eyelashes, but without any lumps of mascara. When I discreetly ask her about her secret, she tells me: "They're eyelash extensions, Sofie!" They last for weeks, no more running mascara, no more removing make-up, get up and look fresh.. Bought! 


So back in Germany I started looking for a studio. Not very common in 2014, I found a single stylist nearby. She treated her customers in a small room in her apartment. Two hours later and 70 euros poorer, I was enchanted by my reflection in the mirror - what a look! But when the nice lady told me that I would have to come back in about 3 weeks if I didn't want to pay the new price to refill it, I knew that I would only allow myself this luxury every now and then before my vacation. 


Years later, when I lived in Nuremberg, the selection of studios was larger. For years I was with the lovely @lybeaute every 3 weeks, who actually stopped taking on new customers. Luckily, I was able to become a customer when a spot became available. Anyone who has ever had eyelash extensions knows how difficult it is to find a good studio. Not only the quality of the eyelashes and the materials play a major role, but also the technique and taste of the stylist. You want a “soft cat eye” and leave the studio as a lady of the night with XXL eyelashes - as we all know, tastes differ. I've always been very happy with my stylist; She always had a good feeling for the style I wanted and outsiders felt the same way too. I was asked about it almost every week and asked where I had my eyelash extensions done. 


Then Corona came and with that came almost two years of eyelash break. Yes, of course, mascara works too, but let's be real - it simply doesn't match the look and feel of good lash extensions. In the summer of 2022 I happened to get to know a new product through my good friend @tanjadoesnothaveinsta: DIY eyelash extensions. This means you can save yourself a visit to the eyelash studio and create the style yourself at home. Of course, I immediately ordered and tried it out and it was immediately clear to me that this was the future. 1) I can choose which design I want, 2) I can apply them flexibly myself at home, 3) it's cheaper than a regular visit to the eyelash studio, 4) I decide for myself when I take them off again. Oh, I could list the advantages endlessly... 


However, due to my years of experience, I have extremely high quality standards and have still recognized one or two potential for improvement. The thought quickly took hold: I can do this better! After months of designs, product samples, manufacturer searches and tests on my friends and not only photographic support from @yg_tum, the time had come: I created my own online shop. And here we are, 10 years later, @lashdreams is ready for ya! 💗

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